Mercury Ephemeris Calculator
Based on the NASA/JPL DE405 Ephemeris Model
PHP Program By Jay Tanner
Date: (1600 to 2200) Y m d
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Mercury Ephemeris Statistics Referred to True Ecliptic and Equinox of Date Based on the NASA/JPL DE405 Ephemeris Model Local Date = 2025 Mar 14 - Fri Local Time = 06:45:56 Standard Time Std. Time Zone Offset = 00:00:00 Applied Delta T = +00:00:00 Astronomical JD TT = 2460748.78189815 =========================================================================== Geocentric Equatorial Coordinates of Mercury Right Ascension = 00h 30m 07.58s = 0.5021047h = 7.5315705° Declination = +06° 35' 22.55" = +6.589597° True Distance = 0.761497972 AU = 113.918475 Mkm = 70.785659 Mmi Visual Magnitude = +0.9 Angular Diameter = 8.825" Horizontal Parallax = 11.548" = 0.192475' = 0.003207913° Light/Signal Time = 06m 19.99s =========================================================================== Local Topocentric Coordinates of Mercury For Geographic Location: Longitude = -76.833611111° = -05h 07m 20.1s (W=Negative) Latitude = +42.752194444° Elevation = 0 m Topocentric RA = 00h 30m 07.67s = 0.5021302h = 7.5319527° Topocentric Decl = +06° 35' 13.84" = +6.587178° Local Hour Angle = +12h 37m 02.91s = 189.26210818967° (W=Negative) Local Sidereal Time = 13h 07m 10.575s = 13.119604062h = 196.794060931° Azimuth = 192.03770° (Measured clockwise from S=0°) = 12.03770° (Measured clockwise from N=0°) Direction = NNE Altitude = -39.94612° (Invisible - Below Local Horizon) =========================================================================== Mercury Ephemeris Table For Each Day Of Mar. 2025 at 12:00 TT There are three extra (xx) padding days at each end of the table. JD12_TT RA_Hr Decl_Deg Dist_AU VMag Day 2460733 23.5193303 -03.416932 1.173378289 -1.1 xx 2460734 23.6205794 -02.550916 1.150558034 -1.1 xx 2460735 23.7187683 -01.692523 1.126678873 -1.1 xx 2460736 23.8134381 -00.846520 1.101820266 -1.0 1 2460737 23.9041003 -00.017982 1.076083056 -1.0 2 2460738 23.9902440 +00.787772 1.049589140 -0.9 3 2460739 0.0713445 +01.565255 1.022480139 -0.8 4 2460740 0.1468739 +02.308898 0.994915085 -0.8 5 2460741 0.2163124 +03.013145 0.967067260 -0.7 6 2460742 0.2791611 +03.672533 0.939120399 -0.5 7 2460743 0.3349547 +04.281784 0.911264547 -0.4 8 2460744 0.3832746 +04.835882 0.883691870 -0.2 9 2460745 0.4237611 +05.330140 0.856592675 +0.0 10 2460746 0.4561266 +05.760272 0.830151866 +0.2 11 2460747 0.4801676 +06.122460 0.804545938 +0.4 12 2460748 0.4957770 +06.413431 0.779940558 +0.7 13 2460749 0.5029557 +06.630542 0.756488693 +1.0 14 2460750 0.5018238 +06.771882 0.734329192 +1.4 15 2460751 0.4926295 +06.836390 0.713585716 +1.8 16 2460752 0.4757561 +06.823976 0.694365904 +2.2 17 2460753 0.4517252 +06.735647 0.676760682 +2.6 18 2460754 0.4211947 +06.573623 0.660843683 +3.1 19 2460755 0.3849514 +06.341417 0.646670747 +3.7 20 2460756 0.3438966 +06.043867 0.634279556 +4.2 21 2460757 0.2990250 +05.687109 0.623689468 +4.8 22 2460758 0.2513983 +05.278472 0.614901639 +5.3 23 2460759 0.2021134 +04.826290 0.607899503 +0.0 24 2460760 0.1522689 +04.339659 0.602649695 +0.0 25 2460761 0.1029320 +03.828127 0.599103423 +0.0 26 2460762 0.0551072 +03.301373 0.597198262 +5.0 27 2460763 0.0097107 +02.768881 0.596860316 +4.5 28 2460764 23.9675506 +02.239647 0.598006608 +4.1 29 2460765 23.9293143 +01.721940 0.600547567 +3.6 30 2460766 23.8955634 +01.223124 0.604389469 +3.3 31 2460767 23.8667336 +00.749550 0.609436701 +2.9 xx 2460768 23.8431419 +00.306519 0.615593769 +2.6 xx 2460769 23.8249957 -00.101707 0.622766989 +2.3 xx JD12_TT RA_Hr Decl_Deg Dist_AU VMag Day ===========================================================================