Pluto Ephemeris Calculator
Based on the NASA/JPL DE405 Ephemeris Model
PHP Program By Jay Tanner
Date: (1600 to 2200) Y m d
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Pluto Ephemeris Statistics Referred to True Ecliptic and Equinox of Date Based on the NASA/JPL DE405 Ephemeris Model Local Date = 2025 Mar 04 - Tue Local Time = 10:36:06 Standard Time Std. Time Zone Offset = 00:00:00 Applied Delta T = +00:00:00 Astronomical JD TT = 2460738.94173611 =========================================================================== Geocentric Equatorial Coordinates of Pluto Right Ascension = 20h 24m 25.95s = 20.4072072h = 306.1081080° Declination = -22° 46' 34.98" = -22.776384° True Distance = 35.953359237 AU = 5.378545986 Bkm = 3.342073532 Bmi Visual Magnitude = +14.5 Angular Diameter = 0.187" Horizontal Parallax = 0.245" = 0.004077' = 0.000067944° Light/Signal Time = 04h 59m 00.90s =========================================================================== Local Topocentric Coordinates of Pluto For Geographic Location: Longitude = -76.833611111° = -05h 07m 20.1s (W=Negative) Latitude = +42.752194444° Elevation = 0 m Topocentric RA = 20h 24m 25.96s = 20.4072104h = 306.1081556° Topocentric Decl = -22° 46' 35.17" = -22.776436° Local Hour Angle = -04h 05m 53.13s = -61.471379490759° (W=Negative) Local Sidereal Time = 16h 18m 32.826s = 16.309118408h = 244.636776123° Azimuth = 305.75152° (Measured clockwise from S=0°) = 125.75152° (Measured clockwise from N=0°) Direction = SE Altitude = +3.47152° (Above Local Horizon - No refractions applied) =========================================================================== Pluto Ephemeris Table For Each Day Of Mar. 2025 at 12:00 TT There are three extra (xx) padding days at each end of the table. JD12_TT RA_Hr Decl_Deg Dist_AU VMag Day 2460733 20.3958889 -22.799749 36.011585380 +14.5 xx 2460734 20.3978427 -22.795622 36.002359037 +14.5 xx 2460735 20.3997767 -22.791576 35.992896254 +14.5 xx 2460736 20.4016906 -22.787609 35.983200316 +14.5 1 2460737 20.4035848 -22.783718 35.973274676 +14.5 2 2460738 20.4054595 -22.779904 35.963122928 +14.5 3 2460739 20.4073148 -22.776169 35.952748762 +14.5 4 2460740 20.4091504 -22.772520 35.942155915 +14.5 5 2460741 20.4109657 -22.768960 35.931348137 +14.5 6 2460742 20.4127599 -22.765495 35.920329167 +14.5 7 2460743 20.4145320 -22.762128 35.909102713 +14.5 8 2460744 20.4162811 -22.758862 35.897672453 +14.5 9 2460745 20.4180066 -22.755695 35.886042034 +14.5 10 2460746 20.4197079 -22.752628 35.874215078 +14.5 11 2460747 20.4213846 -22.749659 35.862195185 +14.5 12 2460748 20.4230366 -22.746787 35.849985947 +14.5 13 2460749 20.4246639 -22.744010 35.837590955 +14.5 14 2460750 20.4262664 -22.741328 35.825013809 +14.5 15 2460751 20.4278442 -22.738741 35.812258132 +14.5 16 2460752 20.4293973 -22.736249 35.799327577 +14.5 17 2460753 20.4309255 -22.733855 35.786225838 +14.5 18 2460754 20.4324287 -22.731561 35.772956655 +14.5 19 2460755 20.4339065 -22.729369 35.759523823 +14.5 20 2460756 20.4353584 -22.727282 35.745931195 +14.5 21 2460757 20.4367840 -22.725303 35.732182691 +14.5 22 2460758 20.4381826 -22.723435 35.718282303 +14.5 23 2460759 20.4395534 -22.721680 35.704234107 +14.5 24 2460760 20.4408956 -22.720040 35.690042280 +14.5 25 2460761 20.4422086 -22.718514 35.675711117 +14.5 26 2460762 20.4434919 -22.717100 35.661245053 +14.5 27 2460763 20.4447453 -22.715794 35.646648678 +14.5 28 2460764 20.4459691 -22.714594 35.631926739 +14.5 29 2460765 20.4471639 -22.713497 35.617084123 +14.5 30 2460766 20.4483300 -22.712505 35.602125817 +14.5 31 2460767 20.4494676 -22.711620 35.587056858 +14.5 xx 2460768 20.4505764 -22.710848 35.571882279 +14.5 xx 2460769 20.4516556 -22.710194 35.556607064 +14.5 xx JD12_TT RA_Hr Decl_Deg Dist_AU VMag Day ===========================================================================