Venus Ephemeris Calculator
Based on the NASA/JPL DE405 Ephemeris Model
PHP Program By Jay Tanner
Date: (1600 to 2200) Y m d
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Venus Ephemeris Statistics Referred to True Ecliptic and Equinox of Date Based on the NASA/JPL DE405 Ephemeris Model Local Date = 2025 Mar 07 - Fri Local Time = 02:57:22 Standard Time Std. Time Zone Offset = 00:00:00 Applied Delta T = +00:00:00 Astronomical JD TT = 2460741.62317130 =========================================================================== Geocentric Equatorial Coordinates of Venus Right Ascension = 00h 32m 09.57s = 0.5359910h = 8.0398650° Declination = +11° 07' 18.07" = +11.121685° True Distance = 0.314111479 AU = 46.990408 Mkm = 29.198486 Mmi Visual Magnitude = -4.6 Angular Diameter = 21.394" Horizontal Parallax = 27.997" = 0.466615' = 0.007776919° Light/Signal Time = 02m 36.74s =========================================================================== Local Topocentric Coordinates of Venus For Geographic Location: Longitude = -76.833611111° = -05h 07m 20.1s (W=Negative) Latitude = +42.752194444° Elevation = 0 m Topocentric RA = 00h 32m 08.42s = 0.5356710h = 8.0350648° Topocentric Decl = +11° 06' 57.26" = +11.115906° Local Hour Angle = +08h 18m 14.73s = 124.56137435845° (W=Negative) Local Sidereal Time = 08h 50m 23.145s = 8.839762612h = 132.596439181° Azimuth = 122.73335° (Measured clockwise from S=0°) = 302.73335° (Measured clockwise from N=0°) Direction = WNW Altitude = -16.13305° (Invisible - Below Local Horizon) =========================================================================== Venus Ephemeris Table For Each Day Of Mar. 2025 at 12:00 TT There are three extra (xx) padding days at each end of the table. JD12_TT RA_Hr Decl_Deg Dist_AU VMag Day 2460733 0.4826043 +09.956130 0.355567536 -4.8 xx 2460734 0.4852803 +10.164708 0.350172273 -4.8 xx 2460735 0.4856200 +10.355845 0.344914121 -4.8 xx 2460736 0.4835846 +10.528720 0.339800318 -4.8 1 2460737 0.4791421 +10.682500 0.334838467 -4.7 2 2460738 0.4722689 +10.816350 0.330036542 -4.7 3 2460739 0.4629515 +10.929444 0.325402870 -4.7 4 2460740 0.4511879 +11.020976 0.320946087 -4.7 5 2460741 0.4369901 +11.090176 0.316675083 -4.6 6 2460742 0.4203852 +11.136327 0.312598925 -4.6 7 2460743 0.4014170 +11.158783 0.308726784 -4.6 8 2460744 0.3801478 +11.156984 0.305067858 -4.5 9 2460745 0.3566589 +11.130479 0.301631283 -4.5 10 2460746 0.3310517 +11.078941 0.298426055 -4.5 11 2460747 0.3034478 +11.002186 0.295460943 -4.4 12 2460748 0.2739891 +10.900192 0.292744393 -4.4 13 2460749 0.2428375 +10.773109 0.290284444 -4.3 14 2460750 0.2101735 +10.621279 0.288088638 -4.3 15 2460751 0.1761955 +10.445242 0.286163929 -4.2 16 2460752 0.1411176 +10.245743 0.284516600 -4.2 17 2460753 0.1051676 +10.023736 0.283152188 -4.1 18 2460754 0.0685843 +09.780378 0.282075410 -4.2 19 2460755 0.0316148 +09.517030 0.281290101 -4.2 20 2460756 23.9945115 +09.235235 0.280799161 -4.2 21 2460757 23.9575283 +08.936706 0.280604516 -4.2 22 2460758 23.9209178 +08.623306 0.280707092 -4.2 23 2460759 23.8849277 +08.297014 0.281106808 -4.2 24 2460760 23.8497974 +07.959902 0.281802590 -4.2 25 2460761 23.8157555 +07.614103 0.282792409 -4.2 26 2460762 23.7830168 +07.261776 0.284073341 -4.2 27 2460763 23.7517809 +06.905077 0.285641650 -4.1 28 2460764 23.7222300 +06.546131 0.287492887 -4.2 29 2460765 23.6945287 +06.187008 0.289621981 -4.2 30 2460766 23.6688231 +05.829701 0.292023325 -4.2 31 2460767 23.6452407 +05.476108 0.294690833 -4.3 xx 2460768 23.6238906 +05.128023 0.297617983 -4.3 xx 2460769 23.6048642 +04.787118 0.300797846 -4.4 xx JD12_TT RA_Hr Decl_Deg Dist_AU VMag Day ===========================================================================