Lunar Hemispheric Phase Explorers - 1500×1500-pixel HD Edition

Current Lunar Phases as Viewed From Above the Four Hemispheres
Near Side, Far Side, Western and Eastern Hemispheres

Program and Graphics by Jay Tanner - 2024

              Current Geocentric Lunar Coordinates, Distance and Phase  
                      Based on the NASA/JPL DE405 Ephemeris Model

                        Working Date UD    =  2024 Jul 27 - Sat
                        Working Time UT    =  08:01:55
                        Astronomical JD TT =  2460518.83552306

                  Right Ascension = 2.5603985 hr = 02h 33m 37.435s
                  Declination     = +10.784629 deg = +10° 47' 04.66"
                  Distance        = 369745.558 km = 229749.238 mi
                  Phase Angle     = 259.729 deg

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CLICK On Any Hemispheric Image For a Full 1500×1500 HD View In a New Tab

Current Near Side View
Standard Geocentric Earth View
Sans Librations
Geocentric Phase: 260°


Current Far Side View
Behind the Moon Looking Back
Earth is Directly Behind Moon
Relative Phase: 80°


Current West (Left) Side View
Centered Over Western Hemisphere
Earth is Directly to the Right
Relative Phase: 170°


Current East (Right) Side View
Centered Over Eastern Hemisphere
Earth is Directly to the Left
Relative Phase: 350°

Program and Graphics by Jay Tanner          Revised: Thursday, January 01, 1970 at 12:00:00 AM UTC
Download PHP 7 Source Code and Graphics For This Program
Approx: 1.5 GB - Public Domain