Temperature Scale Equivalents Calculator
PHP Program by Jay Tanner
Enter Temperature Value and Scale Symbol
C F K R N Re Ro De
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TABLE OF TEMPERATURE SCALE EQUIVALENTS COMMON SCALES: Celsius -17.7777777778 C Fahrehneit 0 F ABSOLUTE SCALES: Kelvin 255.3722222222 K Rankine 459.67 R OBSOLETE SCALES: Newton -5.8666666667 N Réaumur -14.2222222222 Re Rømer -1.8333333333 Ro Delisle 176.6666666667 De
FORMULAS USED WITHIN THE PROGRAM Eight Temperature Scales Are Recognized ------------------- SYMBOL SCALE ------ ----------- F Fahrenheit C Celsius R Rankine K Kelvin Re Réaumur Ro Rømer N Newton De Delisle ------------------------------------------------- HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS STEP 1: Compute K-scale equivalent to input temperature. Given any temperature on one of the eight scales, we first compute its equivalent on the K-scale: The scale symbols below represent the numerical values on those scales in the formulas. K = C + 273.15 K = (F - 32)*5/9 + 273.15 K = K K = (R - 491.67)*5/9 + 273.15 K = Re*5/4 + 273.15 K = (Ro - 7.5)*40/21 + 273.15 K = N*100/33 + 273.15 K = 373.15 - De*2/3 ------------------------------------------------- STEP 2: Compute table of equivalents on all eight scales, based on the K-scale value, using the formulas given below to compute the tabulated values. C = K - 273.15 F = (K - 273.15)*9/5 + 32 K = K R = (K - 273.15)*9/5 + 491.67 Re = (K - 273.15)*4/5 Ro = (K - 273.15)*21/40 + 7.5 N = (K - 273.15)*33/100 De = (373.15 - K)*3/2 ------------------------------------------------- OBSOLETE TEMPERATURE SCALES The old obsolete scales are included for anyone who may be doing historical scientific research and may need to do conversions regarding older temperature scales no longer in modern use. ------------------------------------------------- CAVEAT A warning will be displayed in RED text if the input temperature equates to any value below absolute zero (0.0 K or 0.0 R). There are no negative temperatures on the absolute scales, by definition, but the computations will still be performed anyway.
Temperature Scale Conversions Wiki-Ref