Formal Names of Very Large Integers
PHP Program by Jay Tanner
This program displays the formal full names of very large integers of up to 100 digits length.

Numbers may be entered as normal integers or expressed in scientific notation, such
as 93.976E+10

Any residual decimal value, which is not needed, will be cut off, leaving only the un-rounded integer part to which the formal name will apply.

Read out the formal number name sequentially as if it were one long sentence.

NOTE: No specific error checking is done.  Just correctly follow the rules, all should go well.

RULES: Maximum length = 100 digits ,    (Exponent of 10 range = 0 to +99)

Enter an Integer Value   (Any numerical (+/-) sign will be ignored.)

Given the integer:

Number of digits in the integer:

The formal name of the integer is:

Reference table of formal names used for large numbers from 1E+03 to 1E+99

1E+XX = Name of Integer

1E+03 = 100 thousand
1E+04 = 1 million
1E+05 = 10 million
1E+06 = 100 million
1E+07 = 1 billion
1E+08 = 10 billion
1E+09 = 100 billion
1E+10 = 1 trillion
1E+11 = 10 trillion
1E+12 = 100 trillion
1E+13 = 1 quadrillion
1E+14 = 10 quadrillion
1E+15 = 100 quadrillion
1E+16 = 1 quintillion
1E+17 = 10 quintillion
1E+18 = 100 quintillion
1E+19 = 1 sextillion
1E+20 = 10 sextillion
1E+21 = 100 sextillion
1E+22 = 1 septillion
1E+23 = 10 septillion
1E+24 = 100 septillion
1E+25 = 1 octillion
1E+26 = 10 octillion
1E+27 = 100 octillion
1E+28 = 1 nonillion
1E+29 = 10 nonillion
1E+30 = 100 nonillion
1E+31 = 1 decillion
1E+32 = 10 decillion
1E+33 = 100 decillion
1E+34 = 1 undecillion
1E+35 = 10 undecillion
1E+36 = 100 undecillion
1E+37 = 1 duodecillion
1E+38 = 10 duodecillion
1E+39 = 100 duodecillion
1E+40 = 1 tredecillion
1E+41 = 10 tredecillion
1E+42 = 100 tredecillion
1E+43 = 1 quattuordecillion
1E+44 = 10 quattuordecillion
1E+45 = 100 quattuordecillion
1E+46 = 1 quindecillion
1E+47 = 10 quindecillion
1E+48 = 100 quindecillion
1E+49 = 1 sexdecillion
1E+50 = 10 sexdecillion
1E+51 = 100 sexdecillion
1E+52 = 1 septendecillion
1E+53 = 10 septendecillion
1E+54 = 100 septendecillion
1E+55 = 1 octodecillion
1E+56 = 10 octodecillion
1E+57 = 100 octodecillion
1E+58 = 1 novemdecillion
1E+59 = 10 novemdecillion
1E+60 = 100 novemdecillion
1E+61 = 1 vigintillion
1E+62 = 10 vigintillion
1E+63 = 100 vigintillion
1E+64 = 1 unvigintillion
1E+65 = 10 unvigintillion
1E+66 = 100 unvigintillion
1E+67 = 1 duovigintillion
1E+68 = 10 duovigintillion
1E+69 = 100 duovigintillion
1E+70 = 1 trevigintillion
1E+71 = 10 trevigintillion
1E+72 = 100 trevigintillion
1E+73 = 1 quattuorvigintillion
1E+74 = 10 quattuorvigintillion
1E+75 = 100 quattuorvigintillion
1E+76 = 1 quinvigintillion
1E+77 = 10 quinvigintillion
1E+78 = 100 quinvigintillion
1E+79 = 1 sexvigintillion
1E+80 = 10 sexvigintillion
1E+81 = 100 sexvigintillion
1E+82 = 1 septenvigintillion
1E+83 = 10 septenvigintillion
1E+84 = 100 septenvigintillion
1E+85 = 1 octovigintillion
1E+86 = 10 octovigintillion
1E+87 = 100 octovigintillion
1E+88 = 1 novemvigintillion
1E+89 = 10 novemvigintillion
1E+90 = 100 novemvigintillion
1E+91 = 1 trigintillion
1E+92 = 10 trigintillion
1E+93 = 100 trigintillion
1E+94 = 1 untrigintillion
1E+95 = 10 untrigintillion
1E+96 = 100 untrigintillion
1E+97 = 1 duotrigintillion
1E+98 = 10 duotrigintillion
1E+99 = 100 duotrigintillion

Jay Tanner - 2025