Geocentric Asteroid Flora Ephemeris Statistics
Referred to True Ecliptic and Equinox of Date - UT Time Scale

For Current Date   =  2024 Jul 27 - Sat
Time UT            =  06:28:07 UT
Applied Delta T    = +00:01:14
Astronomical JD TT =  2460518.77038194

Apparent Geocentric Position and True Distance:
Right Ascension     =  07h 36m 18.32s = 7.6050880h = 114.0763200°
Declination         = +21° 14' 46.82" = +21.246339°
True Distance       =  3.016057803 AU = 451.195825 Mkm = 280.360088 Mmi
Horizontal Parallax =  2.916" = 0.04860' = 0.000809938°
Visual Magnitude    = +10.8
Light/Signal Time   =  25m 05.03s
Geocentric Asteroid Flora Ephemeris Statistics
Referred to True Ecliptic and Equinox of Date - TT Time Scale

For Current Date   = 2024 Jul 27 - Sat
Time TT            = 06:28:07 TT
Astronomical JD TT = 2460518.76952546

Apparent Geocentric Position and True Distance:
Right Ascension     =  07h 36m 18.20s = 7.6050550h = 114.0758250°
Declination         = +21° 14' 47.02" = +21.246395°
True Distance       =  3.016058395 AU = 451.195914 Mkm = 280.360143 Mmi
Horizontal Parallax =  2.916" = 0.04860' = 0.000809938°
Visual Magnitude    = +10.8
Light/Signal Time   =  25m 05.03s

Asteroid Flora ephemeris table for each date of Jul. 2024 at 12:00 TT

Computed according to the USNO AE98 model
There are three extra (xx) days at each end of the table.

JD12_TT    RA_Hr    Decl_Deg     Dist_AU    VMag   Day
2460490  6.4629293 +22.261047  3.004343016 +10.5   xx
2460491  6.5034991 +22.256422  3.005782108 +10.5   xx
2460492  6.5440234 +22.249448  3.007150105 +10.5   xx
2460493  6.5845004 +22.240140  3.008446313 +10.5    1
2460494  6.6249282 +22.228514  3.009670077 +10.6    2
2460495  6.6653048 +22.214587  3.010820807 +10.6    3
2460496  6.7056274 +22.198375  3.011897988 +10.6    4
2460497  6.7458937 +22.179895  3.012901186 +10.6    5
2460498  6.7861008 +22.159160  3.013830048 +10.6    6
2460499  6.8262465 +22.136185  3.014684292 +10.6    7
2460500  6.8663285 +22.110984  3.015463702 +10.6    8
2460501  6.9063450 +22.083569  3.016168109 +10.7    9
2460502  6.9462942 +22.053956  3.016797382 +10.7   10
2460503  6.9861748 +22.022159  3.017351416 +10.7   11
2460504  7.0259853 +21.988196  3.017830122 +10.7   12
2460505  7.0657246 +21.952082  3.018233425 +10.7   13
2460506  7.1053915 +21.913836  3.018561258 +10.7   14
2460507  7.1449850 +21.873476  3.018813562 +10.7   15
2460508  7.1845038 +21.831022  3.018990277 +10.7   16
2460509  7.2239470 +21.786495  3.019091342 +10.7   17
2460510  7.2633132 +21.739916  3.019116683 +10.8   18
2460511  7.3026014 +21.691305  3.019066196 +10.8   19
2460512  7.3418099 +21.640682  3.018939732 +10.8   20
2460513  7.3809376 +21.588068  3.018737073 +10.8   21
2460514  7.4199829 +21.533478  3.018457911 +10.8   22
2460515  7.4589449 +21.476929  3.018101836 +10.8   23
2460516  7.4978229 +21.418433  3.017668336 +10.8   24
2460517  7.5366165 +21.358005  3.017156810 +10.8   25
2460518  7.5753254 +21.295662  3.016566594 +10.8   26
2460519  7.6139492 +21.231422  3.015896993 +10.8   27
2460520  7.6524874 +21.165305  3.015147315 +10.9   28
2460521  7.6909387 +21.097337  3.014316893 +10.9   29
2460522  7.7293020 +21.027540  3.013405110 +10.9   30
2460523  7.7675753 +20.955941  3.012411410 +10.9   31
2460524  7.8057569 +20.882563  3.011335309 +10.9   xx
2460525  7.8438447 +20.807430  3.010176397 +10.9   xx
2460526  7.8818371 +20.730566  3.008934335 +10.9   xx
JD12_TT    RA_Hr    Decl_Deg     Dist_AU    VMag   Day
PHP Program by Jay Tanner - 2024