General Information About the VSOP87C Venus Ephemeris Demos
There are 4 Venus ephemeris demo programs in this folder, all built around PHP code written by the Multi-Language VSOP87 Source Code Generator Tool.
All the programs are transportable as individual folders. They can be moved and renamed and they can also be run off-line on a local PC web server, such as XAMPP, and do not require an Internet connection to run locally, but they can be run on the Internet as well via any standard web browser.
It is possible to create a detailed ephemeris for any of the VSOP87 planets in PHP as a single file ready to be run, as will be demonstrated by demos 3 and 4. All of the demo programs are under 550 KB in size.
Demo 1 simply computes the basic heliocentric ecliptical rectangular X,Y,Z coordinates and distance at any given moment. It automatically handles both the old Julian and modern Gregorian calendars. These raw heliocentric coordinates are then displayed so that they can be visually compared to known test values.
Demo 2 contains all the elements of Demo 1 and goes farther by also computing the apparent geocentric equatorial coordinates and distance of Venus as well for the indicated calendar date and time. The entire program consists of 5 PHP files including all code and built-in VSOP87C data.
Demo 3 is a basic Venus ephemeris for any given month on the Gregorian calendar from 1583 onwards. In this version, all ALL five files contained in Demo 2 are combined into one large, fully-self-contained PHP program plus data. The coordinates are displayed as decimal hours and degrees values.
Demo 4 is the same as Demo 3 except that the coordinates are displayed in the standard hh mm ss.ss and Deg mm ss.ss format, rather than in decimal hours and degrees.